In reference to the mounting Coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, our Company as part of its ongoing commitment, continues employee in-person meetings, providing onsite services to all customers in the GCC.

In the event that normal working patterns are disturbed due to measures that include Government travel restrictions and public health measures, limiting entrance to specific countries within the GCC, DANAOS Team is fully prepared to hold meetings virtually, working remotely and providing services via different teleconferencing measures (WebEx, Skype and Zoom).

All DANAOS Project’s employees are residing and traveling between Greece, UAE and KSA and based on the Intercompany HR Policy are restricted traveling to other countries except Greece, UAE and KSA as well as to participate in any meeting or event of 100 people or more.

Thank you to our employees and associates who are doing an exceptional job of serving our customers during this unusual time.

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